Eric Richard Satter
This is my main online portfolio website, which focuses more towards video, motion graphics, 3D modeling & animation, and photography. It is a Responsive Design Website built in Bootstrap.
Website created on: 07/11/2016

Moves & Grooves, Inc.
The following small-business is a direct client of mine that I have maintained a business relationship with since 2003, while I was living in Nashville, TN. Recently over the years, the client's website was updated to a Responsive Design Website that was created in Bootstrap.
Website created on: 04/11/2003
Responsive Design Website in Bootstrap created on: 01/11/2016

All Restored, Inc.
The following small-business is a direct client of mine that I have maintained a business relationship with since 2013, while now living in Dover, DE. Recently over the years, the client's website was updated to a Responsive Design Website that was created in Bootstrap.
Website created on: 09/29/2013
Responsive Design Website in Bootstrap created on: 02/15/2016

The Barber Shop for Men at Spence's Bazaar
The following small-business website is actually my personal barber that I go to in Dover, DE. Because this men's barber shop runs on the business relationships of it's loyal customers, I knew that I had to be a loyal customer myself for several years, before giving the owner my business card. Still a client of mine, this project will most likely be one of the next websites to be updated to Responsive Website Design in Bootstrap.
Website created on: 10/04/2013

First Track Entertainment
The following small-business is a direct client of mine that I have maintained a business relationship with since 2012, while now living in Dover, DE. Recently, the client's website is currently in the planning stages to be updated to a Responsive Design Website created in Bootstrap.
Website created on: 08/01/2012
Website originally designed for 1024 x 768 resolution.
* Flash Animation included within website.

Phi Theta Kappa: Alpha Beta Kappa
Upon relocating back to Dover, DE... I decided to go back to school to complete my college education. As a student of Delaware Technical Community College, I was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. There, I became the chapter's web master and won the Middle State Region's Communications Award for Best Chapter Website in 2013.
Website created on: 05/20/2012

The Conseco Group
While living in Nashville, TN... I made many business relationships due to the connections I made inside my local church. Because of this, the following small-business website was an independent project which I built in 2007.
Website created on: 05/10/2007
* Flash Animation included within website.

Infinity Music Distribution
While living in Nashville, TN... I made many business relationships due to the connections I made inside my local church. Because of this, the following small-business website was an independent project which I built in 2005.
Website created on: 04/09/2005
* Flash Animation included within website.

Central South Distribution
While living in Nashville, TN... I made many business relationships due to the connections I made inside my local church. Because of this, the following small-business website was an independent project which I built in 2005.
Website created on: 09/19/2005
* Flash Animation included within website.

Passport Medicine
While living in Nashville, TN... I made many business relationships due to the connections I made inside my local church. Because of this, the following small-business website was an independent project which I built in 2006.
Website created on: 06/27/2006

Bridging The Gap, LLC
While living in Nashville, TN... the following small-business website was a result a business network connection with Moves & Grooves, Inc. The owner of Bridging The Gap, LLC was already working on staff for Moves & Grooves, Inc, but as time went on... eventually needed her own website for Bridging The Gap, LLC.
Website created on: 08/06/2014

Lanco MG Club
While living in Nashville, TN... the following small-business website was a result a business network connection which was made by my brother-in-law. Because of this, the following small-business website was an independent project which I built in 2005.
Website created on: 02/07/2005